Who we are

Worship & Music

Vision & History

The Church by the Sea was founded in 1945. Our diverse, inclusive and intergenerational congregation is engaged in an ongoing spiritual search for deeper meaning in life. We believe there are always new opportunities and experiences to share, lessons to learn, and fresh understanding to be gained.

Members and friends of the congregation seek to live by the will of God, committed personally and corporately to being there for others in caring and serving ways. Together, we strive to bring wholeness, dignity, and justice to all people by sharing the love of God exemplified in the life and wisdom of Jesus Christ.

Our Team

Rev. Robert W. Asinger & Rev. Dr. Barbara A. Asinger


Rev. Rob has a Masters of Divinity from Harvard University’s Divinity School and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Davidson University in North Carolina. He has served churches in the greater Boston area before being called to the Church by the Sea in January of 2010. Rev. Rob uses his sense of humor and his background in biology to bring to life the scriptures through children’s sermons and preaching.   EMAIL REV. ROB   Before joining the Church by the Sea, Rev. Barbara served as a chaplain and lecturer in Boston, worked in human services, and earned a Master of Divinity and a Doctorate in Theology.   EMAIL REV. BARBARA

Harold Dioquino

Minister of Music

Harold leads our Children’s Glee Club, teaches piano and voice, conducts the Gay Men Chorus of South Florida and a local Filipino choir. He holds a music degree from the University of Immaculate Conception in Davao City, Philippines, with a major in Piano.   EMAIL ME

Jeana Bartroff

Minister of Children & Family Programs

Jeana, an art educator with 7+ years at our church, expanded programs, teaches high school students, and coordinates group art projects, interpreting God’s love through art.   EMAIL ME

Barbara Alvarez

Director of Communications and Outreach


Gaby Alegro

Director of Publications & Member Connections


Gregory Romero

Director of Facilities and Security

Reyna Jovel



Maria Cruz

Church Administrator


Music Ministry

Music at the Church by the Sea is as beautiful and inspiring as it is diverse. We sing both traditional hymns and contemporary modern music, as both have the power to stir the soul and connect us to God. Our choir is nothing less than amazing and has sung at both Carnegie Hall and the Lincoln Center in New York.

Twice a year, once during the Christmas season and once during Lent, the entire worship service is dedicated to music, with our choir singing and orchestral accompaniment. We also offer concerts throughout the year and lessons for adults and children.

Children & Youth

At the Church by the Sea, we believe that every child is a child of God. Therefore, we aim to offer a positive and welcoming environment for each child.

Each Sunday during worship, we offer church school for infants through 8th grade. Our week-long summer camp for ages 5-12 is where kids learn about faith through crafts, scripture stories, music and adventures. In addition, our Middle and Senior High Youth Groups allow young people in grades 6-12 to connect and share in a safe environment.

Adult Programs

Choose from an array of educational and service programs, including opportunities to build homes through Habitat for Humanity, feed the hungry, spread positive values in the community, support migrant workers, and bring joy to those in need during the holidays.